Dirk L, Head Coach - Janesville PW A, Parent of David L. (Wisconsin)

"We started having Jesse as a skills coach when our hockey club hired him to be a part of our club's skills sessions.  I quickly realized he is a great communicator and can execute the exact skating skill he is teaching.  My family hired Jesse to do small group skating sessions with our son who has played 1A & Tier 1 AAA.  His confidence and creativity on his edges is now near the highest that I've ever seen it."

Tori P, Parent of Christian P, Provo Predators 12U Travel (Utah)

"My son, when he was 9, decided that he wanted to play hockey. We got him on the ice as much as possible that summer, and also signed him up for a few of Evolve Skating Camps. He made so much progress that summer that he made the D1 team that Fall, which is pretty amazing for a beginning skater. He is now on a travel A team and is doing very well. He received excellent instruction with Evolve Skating, and the instruction and camps helped him become the great skater that he is today. "

Anahi L, Parent of Dylan L, Janesville PW B (Wisconsin)

"My son has improved tremendously since working with Jesse and loves having him as a skating coach. He always looks forward to his early morning skating sessions, private lessons, and absolutely loved the holiday camp he put together. He gives each person his undivided attention, really listens, and is always giving feedback to the kids on how to improve. He does a wonderful job explaining the importance and benefit of having great skating skills to become a better player. "

Mike P, Parent of Landon P, Janesville 6U (Wisconsin)

"Jesse is obviously an incredible skater and coach! His ability to understand how to coach younger kids and understand their mental as well as physical abilities towards skating is amazing! In 4 private Lessons son 6 yr old son improved greatly with his edge work!!!!"

Scott S, Parent of Sawyer S, Janesville 8U (Wisconsin)

"Sawyer started hockey in 2022 with intro to hockey. He player 8u for the white rangers this year and has done a few clinics with Jesse and elvolve skating in 2023. Jesse does such a good job describing and showing what he's teaching the younger kids and his skating is amazing. Sawyer has become a much better skater this year and part of that is because of Jesse and the Evolve team."

Kayla D Parent of Ty D, Janesville 12U (Wisconsin)

"Behind every elite hockey player there is a skating and/or skills coach to give credit to. Jesse Buchholz from Evolve Skating and Skills is our go to coach to give credit to. Jesse is very Professional and pushes the athletes both physically and mentally to ready themselves for the next level of hockey. I am very impressed with Jesse's knowledge of the game and his ability to communicate to the athletes in a positive manner all while reinforcing the importance of skating that allows them master it. Jesse I truly thank you for the last 9 months of your dedication to my son here in WIsconsin. Jesse is so dedicated he is willing to wake up early for 5:45AM sessions for my son and others!! My son would not have improved as much as he did without you this season!! We look forward to your continued dedication to him!!"